Decisions to be Made

Changes Coming

The Lyle Presbyterian Church has been a congregation in southwestern North Dakota since 1912. In 1914, they made a tangible investment into their future by building the current church sanctuary. In 1923, they took another leap when they used horses to drag down the Banfield house to form the current kitchen and dining room. The outhouses behind the church were once part of a  school. You can still see some graffiti from that time in the outhouses.
Unfortunately, the buildings are getting old. Water has caused damage to the buildings. Time has also moved on: people are not excited to use an old outhouse anymore. People are more comfortable with modern plumbing. A year without services due to COVID accelerated the deterioration and allowed animals to get into the building without active resistance.
This church is at a crossroads. Money must be invested to save this church both for the congregation and the larger community that use it.  On August 21, there will be a special service at 12:30 and then a community meeting at 1:30 to discuss the future of the building. 

Photo Gallery

Below are some photos I took to document the existing condition the building.